Event Administration Management
is the new “ Hot Sauce” for all your Event Administration requirements.

Our Event Administration department offers a wide range of services. Impossible is possible for our
team, whether it be a 2 pax dinner date or a 10 000 pax event, we’ve got your back!

We service all businesses and individuals hosting their personal events. Once we’ve received your
detailed brief, we will customize your package to best suit your pocket.

Project Management
Client/Customer Retention Services
Mystery Shopping
RSVP Management
Invitation Co ordination
Corporate Gifting
Adhoc Admin


Project Management

Are you low on budget, tired and unable to manage a project on your own?
We offer our project management services on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. We are able to
provide the best solutions for you, whilst you focus on other aspects of your business that requires
your attention. The magnitude of some projects is bigger than usual. For these projects, we aim to
provide you with the best market related rates. We are keen on a retainer agreement for projects that
require full dedication for 3 6 months.

Mystery Shopping

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to investigate if production levels are being maintained within your
Our mystery shopping services allows for us to contact staff by staging various industry related
incidents. This will be reported back to you so that, you are able to improve your staff’s knowledge
about your business. This exercise will also allow for your business to grow by providing the necessary
training for your staff.

Invitation Co ordination

Invites are often over looked because, all your focus is on your event. Invitations are meant to be attractive so that you keep your guest in suspense.
We can help you to think out of the box when creating the ideal invitation for your event. The invitation we co ordinate for you will grasp your guests attention from just one stance. We will handle all the admin and errands required to create your “one of a kind” invite that will leave your guests feeling eager to attend your event.

Adhoc Admin

If you are feeling under the weather or need an extra pair of hands to assist you with admin duties, please feel free to contact us. These duties would range ideally from cold calling, data capturing and proof reading to managing chat rooms. Should you wish to book these services, do not hesitate to contact us to find the best affordable option for you and your team.

Client/Customer Retention Services

Do you require assistance with managing your clients or customers expectations?
Ensuring that your clients are happy whilst meeting targets can become stressful, if you are not aware
of the feedback that your clients might want to provide. Our client retention services is what you are
looking for when you require assistance with maintaining and growing your database of clientele. The
rates for these services range from a weekly to monthly basis. This is dependent on your brief, the size
of your database and your budget.

RSVP Management

The success of an event is based on the guest’s overall experience. RSVP Management is an added
service to create a VIP experience for your guests. This indicates that, their presence at the event is
important to you.
If you do not have the capacity to contact all your guests, why not let us help you. RSVP Management
is the best way to ensure that your event will run smoothly. Your guests will have all the information
they need and their expectations will be met. Our dedicated team will manage this process and report
back to you with all feedback received for your event.
RSVP Management

Corporate Gifting

Gifting a client or guest is a gesture of goodwill. Showing your client that you appreciate their business support or thanking your guests for attending your event is important. By gifting you are improving, developing and maintaining your database of clientele.
Whether your choice of gift is edible or not, we’ve got you covered.

Can’t find what you looking for on the shopping list?
Drop us a mail with your brief to eventadmin@paperconestudios.co.za

Allow for us to help with minimizing your workload. Leave all the admin to us!

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